
What is SAS GRID computing?

The belief behind grid computing with SAS is that pharmaceutical manufacturers, hospitals, insurance agencies, and other related healthcare operations must be able to obtain faster results, and should be empowered to make more efficient use of the total power that they already have. SAS GRID computing enables users to develop a controlled, shared environment that's dedicated to meting out large volumes of data and logical programs - fast. This is accomplished through the use of dynamic, resource-based load balancing. What this does is create a secure, networked environment that allows for the coordinated sharing of mixed computing resources. This means that all users are able to access useful information and obtain their answers quicker and more capably. Individual SAS jobs can also be split and run parallel to one another across multiple nodes. Ultimately, this reduces time, labor, and costs while allowing for a more flexible and scalable infrastructure.

SAS Grid Computing ?

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